Thursday, September 27, 2007


disclaimer: this site is going to be about music. i dont claim to be an expert, just a fan. i enjoy it. love looking at the photos on the record covers and imagining what they were feeling when they got together and made it. they must have all felt something, you can see it on the smiling faces or read about it in the linear notes. either way, i've always had a thing for this sort of thing, and so ive collected old vinyl for the past 10 years. before that it was cassettes. mostly just to collect it. just to have.

this blog will be about sharing that information. There is a TON of music you can ONLY get on vinyl. how many people do you know have a record player? Its obsolete. Unless its reissued, many songs sink into the forgotten classis category.

looking in the big picture, i see this as significant as the burning of a library, or the loss of language, tradition,-anything we lose naturall with the passing of time, the natural course of evolution. The internet is a tool that i intend to use as a bridge i can piece together, one step at a time, leading us to a past that may have forgotten. That way we can KEEP MOVING. thats all i have to say. enjoy the music.

hip hop, funk, soul, jazz, ska, dub, comedy, poetry, whatever. it'll be here.

1 comment:

Roustabout said...

What up Ed! Great page- you've inspired me to start one...